Certified Intimacy Coaches
For in person or online availability, check with the individual coach pages

Struggling with your intimate life? Not having the pleasure you want? Many of our coaches offer a complimentary call to see if your specific issue has a solution that they can help you with

In 2025 we are starting a conscious community where you will be able to try some of our classes and workshops around Sense You Wellness for free!
Discover how your Intimate self is linked to relaxation and the nervous system, how to get more longevity & vitality back in relationships, what is intimacy coaching and much more!
What sort of Intimacy Coach is right for me?
If you're not sure where to start, you can fill in this form (CLICK HERE) to be allocated an online complimentary session with one of our coaches to find out how they could help you.

Get my first and most important lesson I give all my clients, for free.
This tool can be used to:
Get the intimate life that you desire
Start your intimacy coaching business
Heal your inner spiritual being