Embodiment Practitioner
Intimacy Coach
Conscious Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood Mentor
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Lynne & La Mama

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Lynne & La Mama
"I support women as we, together, remember and reclaim our instincts, intuition, pleasure, desires, creativity, voice and wisdom"
My main focus is supporting women through and beyond their childbearing years. I guide women towards what being a woman can actually feel like and mean
"My long term yoga practice is rooted in a precise and gentle Hatha Yoga training, based on remediation and recovery that I received from Radha (Robyne Conway) at the Brave Foundation in Cape Town"
I gave birth at home to my three sons.
I completed my 200h Ashtanga Vinyasa Teacher’s Training, with a focus on Prenatal Classes with Jai Yoga in Cape Town.
I am a qualified Mama Bamba Antenatal Facilitator, and taught antenatal classes with a midwife and GP as Artemis Health.
"I have practiced and facilitated Conscious Dance since 2015"
I apprenticed in Blissdance facilitation with Kali Wiid in Cape Town and went on to hold my own group dance sessions as well as my own modality of one-to-one conscious movement sessions.
I have participated in many Contact Improvisation Dance classes and trainings. I have also taught workshops on facilitating Conscious Movement.
"I was a student and teacher of Tantra for many years. I worked for three years as a touchwork practitioner at Avalon Ashram and participated in numerous trainings, retreats and workshops related to breathwork, touchwork, sacred sexuality, Tantra, meditation, movement and plant medicines"
Since the freebirth of my third baby in 2021, at age 45, I have been immersed in learning more deeply about birth, on a whole different level, beyond my foundation of the physiological process.
"Birth and motherhood have been my greatest teachers and motherhood continues to be so..."
I am passionate about us women rising up and choosing what is important to us, from small lifestyle choices, to choosing how to show up in the world, what we want to create and what we want to change. It is all within our realm.
"Let us cut the noise and the fake pressures that have disconnected us from our humanity, establish a direct in-the-body presence with our holy humanity, and return to that which is truly life-giving"
When two people meet in presence with intention, grace and truth attend.
help you
You might be interested in working with me if…
You have been feeling disconnected - from yourself, your partner, your body
You are looking for guidance in terms of sexuality, pregnancy, birth, motherhood, relationships, spirituality
You suspect that there is more to being a woman than you have been led to believe
You’d like to learn how to cultivate your sexual energy in a healthy way that supports your life
You want to feel more
You want to be healthier
You want to move your body
Your intuition/curiousity calls you to!
What my work does
nurture a relationship of love and trust with the body
gently and with care, clear that which no longer serves from the body/mind
cultivate sensitivity in the body
allow feeling back in, coming alive to pleasure
build capacity to be with intensity in the body
learn how to accept and love all the parts of oneself
experience the divine in the body
I am here to support you to
Awaken to your own authority
Truly inhabit your own body
Reveal and embody your true voice
Develop intimacy with yourself and with the divine
Release the things that stand in the way of your true nature
Come into a relationship of trust and safety with your body
Dismantle societal constructs and patriarchal conditioning from within
Experience your body as a temple and a portal
Give you the space and permission to have the experience you need and to witness your full expression
My sessions, classes and workshops offer a safe space where we can be real and relaxed, so we can pause, experience, learn, and heal.
Lynne & La Mama..
"La Mama encompasses all the archetypes of womanhood - the maiden, mother, and crone, the seductress, the priestess, the healer, the nun, and the list goes on. La Mama centers women, mothers and children as the nucleus of life and nurturing, creation, connection, death, and healing. When She thrives, all life thrives"
I am also available to coach couples who are wanting to cultivate a clearer connection and deeper intimacy in their relationship, and learn how to give and receive real pleasure.
Men who are sincere about wanting to learn are welcome to approach me. I have worked extensively with men. Please note that I am not working with men who are mainly seeking out pleasure in engaging with my work.